Elegant Can Labels

The simplicity of scarcely-applied black and a brand-emphasizing hit of a single color, together with ample negative space and elegant type, appears to promise a soothing, honest and quality-driven item. Delightful design work by Michael Nagy.

Baked Objects

Inspired by Salemi, a Sicilian event where flour-based objects are created for decoration, Italian designers Andrea Trimarchi and Simone Farresin of Formafantasma created these baked objects for Dutch Design Week 09 in Eidenhoven. The collection includes objects made from flour, spinach, coffee, and other food. While they may not be practical or durable like conventional objects, these bowls and bottles, formed simply and from simple means, seem to quietly make a profound statement about the beauty of natural material and the needless divergence from it in the production of many ordinary objects.

Via Deezen ; Via Posterous

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Book Design: Wordless Cookbook a-la IKEA minimalism

IKEA’s japanese-inspired, no-words cookbook may not be the most useful set of cooking instructions but it’s perfectly useful for quickly assessing a recipe’s required ingredients against one’s immediate culinary inventory. Usefulness aside, what a gorgeous way to arrange ingredients!

Credit, and more images at Forsman & Bodenfors